Automatic consider disavowing list

Domains in the automatic consider disavowing list are principal referrer and shared referrer domains that will always appear in the consider disavowing list.

These domains are usually added because despite having low spam score scores, they are junk domains (and also appear in the ignore list).

Populating the automatic consider disavowing list

The automatic consider disavowing list is populated in two ways:

Visualising the automatic consider disavowing list

In the report interactive, Explore further > Special > Auto CD list will put red rings around domains in the automatic consider disavowing list (this does not override the currently selected palette).

Viewing the automatic consider disavowing list domains

The all_domains_* worksheet in the data tables (MS Excel file) for a report contains an Auto CD list column. Filter this column for 'yes' to see only domains in the automatic consider disavowing list.