Data tables (MS Excel File)

Every Oxzeon report includes downloadable data tables as an MS Excel file with the following worksheets:

Worksheet Description
all_domains_* A data table with all attributes, quality, and graph metrics for ALL domains in the report
cfb_friends_of_friends A data table with all attributes, quality, and graph metrics for ONLY the domains in the consider for backlinks: friends of friends list
cfb_friends_of_competitors A data table with all attributes, quality, and graph metrics for ONLY the domains in the consider for backlinks: friends of competitors list
consider_disavowing A data table with all attributes, quality, and graph metrics for ONLY the domains in the consider disavowing list
metrics_br_graph_* General metrics about the graph of backlinks referral relationships for that report
metrics_lr_graph_* General metrics about the graph of links relationships for that report

* The report type (e.g., inner)

If difference reporting has been enabled, three further worksheets are included:

The all_domains_* worksheet

This worksheet (and the cfb_friends_of_friends, cfb_friends_of_competitors, and consider_disavowing worksheets) contains the following columns:

Column Additional notes
Domain name The domain name
Sub-directory path An (optional) sub-directory path used to refine the referring domains data for that domain (this can only be used with domains of the types principal and competitor)
Domain type
Target competitors
Whitelist Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the whitelist
Competition list Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the competition list
Ignore list Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the ignore list
Auto CD list Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the automatic consider disavowing list
'new' ecosystem status Filter for 'yes' to view only domains with the 'new' ecosystem status (applies only if difference reporting has been enabled)
Principal referrer status Applies only if difference reporting has been enabled
Custom list 1 Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in custom list 1
Custom list 2 Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in custom list 2
Distance (lr)
Eco backlinks
Eco links
Spam score
Ahrefs domain rating
Ahrefs domain rank
Organic traffic
Paid traffic
Organic keywords
Organic keywords 1-3
Paid keywords
Degree (lr)
Degree (lr) (C&B) The cliques & bridges version of Degree (lr)
Out degree (br)
Out degree (br) (C&B) The cliques & bridges version of Out degree (br)
In degree (br)
In degree (br) (C&B) The cliques & bridges version of In degree (br)
Closeness (lr)
Outward closeness (br)
Inward closeness (br)
Betweenness (lr)
Betweenness (lr) (C&B) The cliques & bridges version of Betweenness (lr)
Directed betweenness (br)
Directed betweenness (br) (C&B) The cliques & bridges version of Directed betweenness (br)
Meta data status 'OK' indicates all metadata was obtained for analysis; other values indicate errors obtaining the metadata
Meta title The domain's meta title text
Meta title common #
Meta title common
Meta title similarity
Meta description The domain's meta title text
Meta description common #
Meta description common
Meta description similarity
CFB: Friends of friends Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the consider for backlinks: friends of friends list
CFB: Friends of competitors Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the consider for backlinks: friends of competitors list
Consider disavowing Filter for 'yes' to view only domains in the consider disavowing list

The (lr) and (br) at the end of some column names denotes whether the value is calculated using the graph of links relationships, or the graph of backlinks referral relationships.

The metrics_br_graph_* worksheet

This worksheet contains a table of graph metrics about the graph of backlinks referral relationships for that report:

Metric Notes
Nodes The number of domains in the report
Edges The number of backlinks referral relationships in the report
Isolates The number of domains that are disconnected from the graph
Density A graph measure of how dense the graph is (on a scale from 0 to 1)
Density (exc. isolates) A graph measure of how dense the graph is, excluding any domains that are disconnected

A second table provides a count (and percentages) for each domain type.

Finally, a third table provides a count (and percentages) for each list type (e.g., the whitelist).

The metrics_lr_graph_* worksheet

This worksheet follows the same format as the metrics_br_graph_* worksheet, but for the graph of links relationships for that report.