Competition list

Domains in the competition list will almost never appear in the following lists:

These domains are usually added because they belong the same organisation as one of the competitor domains.

A domain on the competition list will appear in the consider disavowing list if it also appears in the automatic consider disavowing list.

Similarly, a domain on the competition list will appear in the consider for backlinks: friends of friends and consider for backlinks: friends of competitors lists if it also appears in the whitelist.

Populating the competition list

The competition list is populated in three ways:

Visualising the competition list

In the report interactive, Explore further > Special > Competition list will put red rings around domains in the competition list (this does not override the currently selected palette).

Viewing the competition list domains

The all_domains_* worksheet in the data tables (MS Excel file) for a report contains a Competition list column. Filter this column for 'yes' to see only domains in the competition list.